Best Book Self book publishing Company
Writing ready? Editing set? Design a go? The final step is Publishing Your Book on the Top Book-Selling Platforms.
The greatest professional self-publishing agencies know that the job is not completely done until your book is optimized for digital publication and goes live. Disseminating your book to online libraries may seem like a hassle to you, but our publication agents make the process effortless and smooth. Whether you want Amazon book publishing or extensive publication and distribution, American Book Marketing is the route to take.

Wonder how we publish the best, and for the best? Ring us up to learn more about the miracle of book publishing, and how we will tailor it for you!
Our Book Publishing Service is the bridge to your dream fulfillment of becoming a Published Author
That’s right. Consider American Book Marketing a bridge between you, the aspiring author, and publishing companies like Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, etc. We not only distribute your books on these platforms, but we do it masterfully with metadata optimization, refined book descriptions and blurbs, and so on. Our 100% successful track record make us trustworthy, with our clients testifying for our best book publishing service quality. Genre diversity is our speciality, so whether you have an erotica or an academic book, spirituality book or a book on sports, we will publish it all.

Why choose Extensive Publishing when you have Amazon?
Amazon undoubtedly leads in overall book sales and has a reputation as an elite publishing platform thanks to KDP, but there is more to the book marketplace. Why put all your eggs in one basket when your book sales can accelerate with you availing other retail options? Distributing your book on other top publishing platforms alongside Amazon, like Foyles,, Books Express, ProQuest, Apple Books, etc. could boost your potential sales by a margin you probably may not have imagined.
Nothing makes you as an author happier than having your own written book published on popular publishing sites. This means that not only are you among the 0.01% of US population who are authors, but also that you are in the race for literary awards.
Still have any questions that are bothering you? Then have a live chat or call with our Publication Consultants to seek clarity and get in on the race.